
I often encounter a problem when downloading my daily tv show in form of rar parts. When doing that i want to open the video file already while downloading (like streaming).

Therefore i made up a small application that clicks the button of the rar application every 1,5s.


Because of that i can watch the partial extracted movie with VLC (i guess several other players can do that too).

The code of the Application basically consists of two functions:

public static void ClickButton(IntPtr AHandle)
	SendMessage(GetParent(AHandle), WM_COMMAND, MakeWParam(GetWindowLong(AHandle, (int)GWL.GWL_ID), (int)ButtonControlMessages.BM_CLICK), AHandle);
public static IntPtr GetButtonHandle()
	IntPtr ButtonHandle = FindWindow("#32770", null);
	IntPtr wndChild = IntPtr.Zero;
	if (ButtonHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			wndChild = FindWindowEx(ButtonHandle, wndChild, "Button", null);
		return wndChild;
	return wndChild;

and the corresponding Pinvoke code.

the rest is the code of the main function, a small loop:

int count = 0;
while (true)
	Console.WriteLine("Try to Click Button: " + count.ToString());

Download (Binary & Source Code)